We understand that you have alot of questions and need guidance and answers to your queries. Rest assured, we can help you at any stage of your immigration process.

To initiate this process, send us your question via email to initiate an Initial Consultation Agreement – ICA, to discuss your case.

You can also schedule an appointment via

The purpose of the ICA is for the RCIC (a) to learn about you and your immigration needs based on the information you provide; (b) to answer your questions to the best of our ability; (c) to identify your options and to the extent possible, analyse the costs and benefits of those alternatives; (d) to help you determine your course of action, if any; (e) to discuss our fees and terms of representation if a consultant-client relationship is to be established after the meeting; and (f) to determine the next steps in the process, as appropriate.

The initial consultation is non-refundable and will represent professional fees in relation to the matters mentioned above. It will be paid upon signing this Initial Consultation Agreement and prior to scheduling a meeting; payments can be made online but alternative arrangements can be accommodated. Our billing is based on the value that is being created for our clients.


Submit your online assessment

Online Assessment

Click here to submit your online assessment. We will email you the results once our assessment is complete.

Would you like to know if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada? Do you know that there are over 60 separate immigration streams offered under the Provincial Nominee Program alone and much more including the Federal Programs.

If you are found to be eligible and would like to proceed, we will then determine the relative fees based on the program(s) selected.

Please note that accuracy is very important when entering your details in order to reasonably determine your eligibility under the specific program(s).

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